A Web Series with Bite

Posts tagged “Actor

The Behind The Scenes Vid….

Last Sunday Katarina Mandic (one of my closest friends and now a member of the Seraphic Films team), myself and the Facebook account for Deadheart character, ‘Roama Walker’, individually emailed every single one of our Facebook fans with a private link to the Behind The Scenes video, shot and edited by one of my OLDEST friends, David Vallencia Stanley.

The catch was, LIKE our page before midnight Sunday and get a private YouTube link in your Inbox by Monday morn.

We ran into some walls. For example, not being able to send it to people with their privacy settings so high there was no ‘message’ tab to contact them. We also got in trouble from Facebook – y’know, the whole “you are spamming” thing but COME ON FACEBOOK, how are we suppose to message all our supporters when there is no longer a message group feature. I got a warning and promptly set up the Roama Walker account and Kat didn’t get a warning but found she couldn’t access her account for 2 days….eek.

The Vid was uploaded to my YouTube account – KristyBestOnline and we made sure to put a subscribe link to the Deadheart Youtube – DEADHEARTtheSERIES. The account doesn’t have any videos on it at the moment,,,But it will….Be patient 🙂

So, why only send out a private link to those that have liked our page?

Well, because, they were nice enough to and deserve to see what’s happening before everyone else, merely for taking the time out and pressing that ‘like’ button!

I also wanted to do my own little experiment. For those that know me well and know that I am ridiculously interested in social media and online marketing, the fact I’d want to chart the activities of a ‘test group’ (in this case the 380 people that had liked our page by Sunday eve), isn’t entirely random. Will I be releasing all of the stats on everything we do on this project from start to finish so that you too can learn from our wins and mistakes? You betcha! I’ll do it all in one hit once we get the series up!

Why do I want to share all this stuff with you? Because this industry is hard! Making films and videos requires many hands and many hearts and it is imperative that we can be generous with one another about the process. The Australian industry relies on our generation forging forward as strongly as those before us. Now we have online to play with, a terrain that isn’t  as commonly explored in Australia, we really need to share our experiences so that we can catch up – fast!

Make sure you check out the link once it goes public Sunday eve – Just go to www.facebook.com/deadhearttv